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Does Schwab value advantage money Ultra have growth data?

There is no growth data available. There is no data available. Transparency is our policy. Learn how it impacts everything we do SNAXX Performance - Review the performance history of the Schwab Value Advantage Money Ultra fund to see it's current status, yearly returns, and dividend history.

Can I lose money if I invest in Schwab money funds?

You could lose money by investing in the Schwab Money Funds. All Schwab Money Funds with the exception of Schwab Variable Share Price Money Fund seek to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, but cannot guarantee they will do so.

Does Schwab money funds provide financial support?

The Schwab Money Funds' sponsor has no legal obligation to provide financial support to the Funds, and you should not expect that the sponsor will provide financial support to the Funds at any time. Compared to the total return, the seven-day yield more closely reflects the current earnings of the fund.

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